Is It Possible to Live an On-Mission, 
Disciple Making Life Today?

Yes, it's possible.
​But it might require some
(possibly uncomfortable) un-learning.

People aren't being reached.
Disciples aren't being made.

We can’t blame a pandemic or the latest crisis.
Legacy church has been floundering for years.
Yet DMM’s (Disciple Making Movements) are flourishing across the globe.

My name is Daren Wride, author of DNA of a Christ Follower and founder of 12Church.

If you are a churched person, as I am, you've been trained to be passive.

You've accumulated biblical knowledge with little expecation (and minimal accountability) that you will apply it. 

You may have even accepted that the reference point of your spiritual life, even the core of Christian mission, is a centralized church facility.

I'm a church kid, Bible college grad, 30 years
in ministry pastor, and this is what I've seen happening:

​(Watch the video above for the full Story)

The current church world often slides into a system that:
• Takes passionate people and cools them off
• Keeps us too busy to live on mission 
• Is largely ineffective in reaching unchurched people with the Gospel
• Spends a lot of money, time and energy for negligible results

The hard reality is that we've been captured by an Old Testament model of thinking that prioritizes the centralized location of the church and the professionalized ministries that are contained in that box- the "Come Here" model.

But we don’t live in the centralized Old Testament; we live in the decentralized, Spirit-empowered, every believer is gifted and called and sent, New Testament- the "Go!" model. 

And it’s time to start acting like it.

Because churches are filled with people who WANT to live on mission.
​But they just don't know how.

With God’s help we are figuring out how to be disciples who make disciples in our time and place. We’ve discovered timeless, transcultural principles being applied in DMMs around the world that are effectively making disciples right now!

And we want to share what we’re learning.

This is the portal to everything 12Church: All of our courses, all of our evangelism micro trainings, all of our podcasts and videos and resources- all in one place.

But this is not about overwhelming you with content.

I’ve lived in the internet marketing world where one of the tricks is to provide such a huge volume of content that you think it’s a deal. But tons of content is not what makes the difference.

What does? The right focus and the right application of key, timeless principles. Proven biblical principles for making disciples. A framework for living on mission wherever and whenever you are.

Heard Enough?
Click the Button, Jump In and Get Started!

Follow the prompts and in a few minutes you'll find yourself with full access to everything- the core principles and resources, personal evangelism training and micro trainings, devotionals, leadership development… and of course the Missional Living Map.

How long have you been on the hamster wheel, trying to be a disciple who makes disciples in a system that tends to create consumers and spectators?

It's time to jump off the merry-go-round and live differently.

It’s time to shape your life, beginning with your personal spiritual life and church life, rippling out to every aspect of your life, iIt’s time to shape it all around joining Jesus on mission.

Join Us in the Great Adventure of Disciple Making!


Training & Tools to live on mission

The Missional Living Map

  • A Pathway: Answers the question "How do we move from passive to on-mission followers?"
  • A Structure: A framework to evaluate your progress and discern next steps
  • A Plan: Teaching AND training, for individuals or groups to move ahead

All Major Courses

  • EXPANDED Personal Evangelism Crash Course: Go deeper into soul-winning
  • DNA of a Christ Follower: Full teaching on the eight essential character traits of a disciple
  • ALL Upcoming and Future Courses including: Feeding Yourself, Leading an On-Mission Group

Evangelism Micro-Trainings

  • Short & Focused: Bite-sized evangelism principles to equip and inspire
  • Instantly Applicable: Concrete next steps in your soul-winning journey
  • Transferrable: Easily taught to others in your group and those you're discipling
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All Videos

Both public level AND private, members only teaching and training.

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All Podcast Episodes

The Disciple Making Podcast
with Tim Beadle

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All Devotionals

Short devotionals covering the Sermon on the Mount
​and more!


Complete Audio Version of
DNA of a Christ Follower


Access to the Release Life Planning System

Learn More Here (but don't buy it there- it's in here!)

"How much?" you ask:

$12/month of course!

Cancel anytime
(Billed in USD)

Immediate full access to:

  • The Missional Living Map
  • All Major Courses and Evangelism Micro-Trainings
  • All Devotionals, Videos and Podcasts
  • All Resources and All Future Content




"12Church has deepened my understanding of..."

what it means to be a Christ follower and on mission for Jesus; of why I’m on this earth and what I should be doing for Him.

It’s deepened my love for the lost people and has taught me how to love and evangelize through relationship. And on top of all that, it has deepened and strengthened my relationship with Jesus and has made me more in tune with the Holy Spirit and His promptings.

- Kelsea, 12Church member

"12 church has greatly increased my desire to see the gospel spread."

It has opened my eyes to the opportunities right in front of me, and given me some tools to know what to do.

- Blake, 12Church member

"12Church has given me training, tools and teaching..."

that has been a significant help in aiding me to be more intentional in sharing the Gospel.

- Bob, 12Church member

Join Jesus ALL IN, on MIssion
embrace a disciple making lifestyle

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