Trying to Live an On-Mission, 
Disciple-Making Life?

Yes! It is possible!

12Church is a small group of people
learning to live on mission.​

This portal has everything we’ve learned and are learning: trainings, podcasts, videos, resources.

The core training, the MLMap, helps you move from passive consumer to engaged disciple.

If you’re already there, it will help you bring others with you.

Engaging with 12Church will change your
perspective and the way you live out your faith.

Click the Button, Jump In and Get Started!


Here's What You're GEtting:

The Missional Living Map

  • A Pathway: Answers the question "How do we move from passive to on-mission followers?"
  • A Structure: A framework to evaluate your progress and discern next steps
  • A Plan: Teaching AND training, for individuals or groups to move ahead

All Major Courses

  • EXPANDED Personal Evangelism Crash Course: Go deeper into soul-winning
  • DNA of a Christ Follower: Full teaching on the eight essential character traits of a disciple
  • ALL Upcoming and Future Courses including: Feeding Yourself, Leading an On-Mission Group

Evangelism Micro-Trainings

  • Short & Focused: 50+ Bite-sized evangelism principles to equip and inspire
  • Instantly Applicable: Concrete next steps in your soul-winning journey
  • Transferrable: Easily taught to others in your group and those you're discipling
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All Videos

Both public level AND private, members only teaching and training.

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All Podcast Episodes

The Disciple Making Podcast
with Tim Beadle

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All Devotionals

Short devotionals covering the Sermon on the Mount
​and more!


Complete Audio Version of
DNA of a Christ Follower


Access to the Release Life Planning System

Learn More Here (but don't buy it there- it's yours as part of the 12Church All Access!)

"How much?" you ask:

$12/month of course!

Cancel anytime
(Billed in USD)

Immediate full access to:

  • The Missional Living Map
  • All Major Courses and Evangelism Micro-Trainings
  • All Devotionals, Videos and Podcasts
  • All Resources and All Future Content




"12Church has deepened my understanding of..."

what it means to be a Christ follower and on mission for Jesus; of why I’m on this earth and what I should be doing for Him.

It’s deepened my love for the lost people and has taught me how to love and evangelize through relationship. And on top of all that, it has deepened and strengthened my relationship with Jesus and has made me more in tune with the Holy Spirit and His promptings.

- Kelsea, 12Church member

"12 church has greatly increased my desire to see the gospel spread."

It has opened my eyes to the opportunities right in front of me, and given me some tools to know what to do.

- Blake, 12Church member

"12Church has given me training, tools and teaching..."

that has been a significant help in aiding me to be more intentional in sharing the Gospel.

- Bob, 12Church member

Join Jesus ALL IN, on MIssion
embrace a disciple making lifestyle

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