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The Personal Evangelism Crash Course Immediately...

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This Fast, Focused
and Free Training will: 

  • Explain: That those who AREN'T gifted evangelists can still be effective witnesses
  • Reveal: The ONE ACTIVITY that is more than 50% of the job in soul-winning
  • Share: A simple action plan that you or those you lead can use to get moving into effective evangelism RIGHT NOW!

Feedback from the Live Training:

"As always you present material in a clear and efficient way... a good lesson for us teaching pastors."

"Thanks for your attention to detail and some
good resource links for me to follow through."

"I intend to re-arrange your material and some others into my own personal evangelism seminar...you've given me some great 'bones'."

Resources mentioned in this training are downloadable from the training page once you sign up.

Leaders: Feel free to use this training to lay a foundation for developing your own, contextual evangelism training.


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