HOW can I start
to live on mission?

And What Does It Even Mean?

Enter your email to get the 5-part Living on Mission Email Series (with links to related video trainings) to help you get moving in the right direction! 

The great adventure of disciple making

What you’ll learn in this series:

Living on Mission is more than just going to church
and trying to invite your friends.

Step 1: Praying and Paying Attention

Pray like this and see things start to happen!

Step 2: Inject Hope and Encouragement

An easy way to be different.
(A Powerful Secret Weapon)

Step 3: Having the 
Story Ready

So easy to do- yet so few have done it.

Step 4: Harnessing Your Routine

This is at the core of living on mission.

Step 5: Stop Doing
It Alone

This makes it sustainable for the long haul.

Learning how to be disciples
who make disciples
in this time and place.

No centralized facility or "church" building

Committed to a lifestyle of disciple making

Accepting responsibility for the people around us


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