1. Disciples of Jesus Christ are students, followers, imitators, representatives of him.
2. We’re called by Jesus to join him on mission, to seek and to save the lost, to make disciples who will make more disciples.
3. Christian community forms around this mission. It’s mission first, then community.
4. The purpose of a biblical church is to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ.
5. Churches need clarity about what a disciple actually is in character and conduct, and what it then means to make such a disciple.
6. Hint. The call is not to accept Jesus into your heart. But to repent, believe and follow Jesus as evidenced by water baptism.
7. Not all who call themselves Christian are disciples of Jesus Christ. Call them to follow, but without coercion or bribery. Jesus is very comfortable allowing them to follow or not.
8. The activities of each church, its budgets, staffing, ministries should be based on what is required to effectively and efficiently make disciples of Jesus Christ.
9. This is a stewardship issue.
10. Biblical church leadership is foundational for church health and effectiveness.
11. Christian leaders are called to lead first by example, to be what we are calling the church to become. In other words Christian leadership is, at its core, modeling what it means to be a disciple who makes disciples.
12. The greatest current challenges to the church are internal, not external.
13. Those internal issues can often be traced to prayerlessness and the absence of intentional disciple making. When fishermen aren't fishing, they're fighting.
14. Ministry, indeed, the Christian life can be done in such a way that it is sustainable over the long haul, not requiring pastors, leaders or other followers of Jesus Christ to sacrifice their physical, spiritual or family health. Yes, some are called to be martyrs, but not self inflicted death by burnout.
15. Centralized church facilities can often be a hindrance to disciple making and will increasingly be so in an increasingly hostile culture. They can also be a money pits.
16. The time, money and energy poured into weekend worship events often generates little Kingdom return. And marginal disciple making results. Admit it. Many of those resources could be reallocated out of that time and space with a greater return. Maybe it's time to lose the building. And build the people.
17. Denominational involvement, while never superseding loyalty to Jesus Christ or the Word of God, can be a contributor to healthy and effective churches.
18. But the primary purpose of any denomination or association is simply to assist the churches in making disciples locally and globally. Anything else is a bit of a tail wagging the dog situation and won't last long.
19. Disciple making is a partnership with the One to whom all authority has been given.
20. Therefore, those joining him on his mission are assured of his presence and his power through the Holy Spirit. Therefore, God exalted Him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Disciple making is a partnership with the one to whom all authority has been given. Therefore, when you join him on mission, you can be assured of his presence and his power through the Holy Spirit.
21. Disciples make disciples. Disciples make disciples. Disciples. Make. Disciples.
In this blog Daren shares his latest learnings, resources and ideas about disciple making and leading on-mission groups of Christ Followers.