Who is Jesus Christ?

And what did he do?

​These are the most important questions
you and I can ask and seek to answer.

BIG Questions

Important Answers!

Who is Jesus?

The central figure of Christianity
​Lived on Earth about 2000 years ago in the Middle East, 
​Teacher, miracle worker...
​Fully God and Fully Man

What did he do?

Taught about the Kingdom of God
​Worked miracles out of compassion and to show his divinity
​Died on the cross in our place, opening the door to forgiveness and eternal life
​Rose from the grave to prove he was who he claimed
Ascended to heaven where he is interceding for us and preparing to return

Why does this matter?

Jesus' death and resurrection makes it possible for us to fulfill the reason for which we were created- having a relationship with our Creator

What does this
mean for you?

You can have hope for the future
​You can have a life of purpose
​You can shed the fear of death
​You can be totally forgiven of every wrong thing you have ever done

Want to know more?

Email us: info@12church.net

Watch this video about how to respond
to who Jesus is and what he has done

We also highly recommend the resources at EveryPerson.com