Gospel Saturated Self Evaluation

How's Your Gospel Saturation?

There are three primary videos in the Gospel-Saturated module of the Missional Living Map: What is the gospel? What does it mean to be gospel saturated? And of course, how do we grow in that gospel saturation?

When I finished recording those videos, I decided to come up with some questions that could be used for personal evaluation and assessment to see how gospel-saturated an individual really is. Here are those questions:

1. I can identify in specific ways how my life has changed as a result of the gospel. The spectrum would be from not at all, I can't identify any ways, to totally, I see a lot of ways.

2. How confident am I that I can clearly articulate the basic gospel? Similar spectrum: not at all confident to totally confident.

3. When I sin, do I tend to turn to God for forgiveness, or do I in some measure run and hide? Part of that running and hiding is then dwelling on the guilt and maybe thinking that there is some time that needs to pass before you can be forgiven, or something you need to do, or in some way, you need to suffer.

4. How readily do I extend grace and forgiveness to others as I have received grace and forgiveness from Christ? Do I extend it very reluctantly or freely?

5. Do I find my primary identity in my relationship with Christ, or do I seek validation from others?

6. In a time of crisis, is my first reaction my first tendency to trust in Jesus, or to in some way lean on my own understanding?

7. The gospel informs my attitude and response to social issues, injustice, and the needs of those around me.

8. I'm actively praying for and seeking to share the gospel with those who need Jesus.

9. I engage in spiritual disciplines to develop my relationship with God rather than out of a sense of duty, thinking it in some way gains me favor with Him.

10. I have good relationships within my church or faith community that helps me live out the implications of the Gospel.

11. My joy and hope come from my secure future in Christ rather than my circumstances.

12. The gospel shapes my view of life after death and increases my passion and anticipation of eternity.

These questions can help serve as a guide for individuals to assess their own understanding, acceptance, and application of the gospel in their daily lives. See the video below. 

Daren Wride

Founder, 12Church

In this blog Daren shares his latest learnings, resources and ideas about disciple making and leading on-mission groups of Christ Followers.