DNA of a Christ Follower identifies eight essential traits of those who follow Jesus. These traits form the foundation for a life transformed by faith. (See video below for an overview.)
The most important aspect of a Christ Follower's life is love. This love manifests in two key ways: love for God and love for people. Loving God means more than just feeling affection; it involves worshipping Him and obeying His commands. This obedience isn't a burden but a natural outflow of experiencing God's unconditional love for us. Loving people means acting in their best interests, even when it's difficult or inconvenient. This includes loving even those who are difficult to love.
Alongside love, a Christ Follower is marked by holiness, which means being set apart for God and living a morally pure life. This isn't about achieving perfection but about embracing a life transformed by the Holy Spirit. This transformed life should be truth-based, with the Bible as its foundation. Knowing and believing the Bible is important, but it must also be applied to our lives.
A natural result of this transformed life is a desire to share the good news of Jesus with others. A Christ Follower is evangelistic. This means valuing people enough to share the message of salvation with them. It also means living a life that reflects the transformative power of the Gospel and preparing to share their faith clearly and concisely.
The Christian life isn't always easy, and a Christ Follower must be persevering in the face of difficulties. This perseverance comes from recognizing that the Christian life is a race we must run with endurance, throwing off any baggage that hinders us and fixing our eyes on Jesus as our example.
Finally, recognizing our own weakness, a Christ Follower is God-dependent. This dependence manifests in humility, faith, and a commitment to prayer. It also means relying on the power of the Holy Spirit to live a life that honours God. Living this way naturally leads to a focus on eternity. A Christ Follower is not just living for the here and now but for the eternal realities that await them.
This book seeks to answer the question "WHAT is a follower of Jesus?" 12Church seeks to answer the question of how we live as such disciples and invite others to join us.
In this blog Daren shares his latest learnings, resources and ideas about disciple making and leading on-mission groups of Christ Followers.