What's the Point of 12Church

With 12Church we’re calling together passionate followers of Jesus Christ to go all in on mission with Jesus. 

And we know that some of those passionate followers of Jesus have become frustrated with just going through the church cycle, with a Sunday-centric, church building centric faith that doesn't ripple through into the rest of their lives, that doesn't seem to equip them or make them effective in being or making disciples. 

And the reason we are calling these passionate followers of Jesus Christ together is so that we can learn how to be disciples who make disciples in this time and in this place, effectively, efficiently following Jesus and inviting others to join us. We're doing this so that we can reach our family and our friends, our coworkers, our neighbors with the gospel. And ultimately, we want to live with the certainty, the absolute confidence that we are investing our time and our money and our energy, the essence of our lives in something that really does matter for the kingdom, that matters for all eternity. 

My hope is that anyone who engages with 12Church for any significant amount of time will experience transformation on multiple levels. My hope is that you will move from an individualistic, Sunday-centric, building-centric form of Christianity to a more integrated life of following Jesus and adventure of following Jesus on mission all the time.

My hope, and certainly my expectation is that within that time period that you will become equipped and confident and engaged in personal evangelism, that you will know what your call is and those to whom you're called. 

My hope is that we will practice sustainable life-giving spiritual rhythms and disciplines not merely as a checklist that we have to do, but because it gives us life, feeding on the Word hearing the voice of Jesus, being led by the Spirit, being built up by each other.

So I encourage you to jump in to participate in this network and participate in a group. If you're a part of a group, if you want to start an on-mission group in your location, we can help you with that. 

I want to make it very clear at the outset that I don't have all the answers. You don't have all the answers, but we know the One who does. So I encourage you, let's follow him together and see where he leads.

Daren Wride

Founder, 12Church

In this blog Daren shares his latest learnings, resources and ideas about disciple making and leading on-mission groups of Christ Followers.